Latest Update: 7 Feb '25


The Joint Service Clubs of Greater Sierra Vista (JSCGSV) was formally organized on 7 May 1993 to bring together all the service clubs in the local area so as to better serve the community through strength in numbers, speak as a single voice when appropriate, provide a forum for the exchange of information between member clubs, and minimize duplication of member club activities.  The JSCGSV was founded by Tom Hessler (Rotarian).  Dorothy Dietz (Kiwanian) was elected our Founding President; Tom Hessler our Founding Secretary.


MONTHLY MEETINGS & PROGRAM  The JSCGSV meets monthly to exchange information and coordinate events, projects, and speaker information. These meetings offer a single point contact for a variety of interested parties to reach the service club community. The JSCGSV currently meets on the first Friday of each month (except July) at the VFW Hall (Veterans Drive) at 10:30 a.m.

SIGNBOARD MAINTENANCE  The JSCGSV controls the use of the City owned and maintained signboard located just south of the Fort Huachuca East Gate.

SPECIAL JOINT PROJECTS  The JSCGSV coordinates other projects at times. The initial project placed another covered ramada in Veterans Memorial Park as a joint project with the City. Another project was to support bringing the Moving Vietnam Memorial Wall to Tombstone for a short-term display. A later project financed several bus stop benches throughout Sierra Vista. Recent projects included bringing the Moving Vietnam Memorial Wall back to Sierra Vista, providing water misters to the troops deployed to the Iraq theater (Desert-to-Desert Project), and a memorial brick at the Southern Arizona Veterans Memorial Cemetery.

GRANT PROGRAM  This program is to award grants to worthy organizations for programs or projects that benefit the general community.  An ad-hoc Grant Committee is set up to make recommendations to the Member Clubs.  Money for this comes from excess funds in the checking account.  Excess funds accumulate from yearly Member Club assessments that go beyond expenses.

ORGANIZATION OF THE YEAR  The JSCGSV annually awards an Organization-of-the-Year designation to a local organization that actively supports the fund-raising activities of Member Clubs. 

INTERNET WEBSITE  The JSCGSV maintains a website at with links to most of our Member Clubs.

CLUB ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS  Visit Member Club websites listed in the "Member Clubs" tab for club activities and upcoming events.