Signboard Regulations
1. Club must be a JSCGSV voting member (except JSCGSV).
2. JSCGSV assigns the signboard position.
3. Club delivers weatherproof sign to the Pete Castro Maintenance Center on Giulio Cesare Avenue. For mounting call 458-5775.
4. The City owns and maintains the signboard.
5. Recommend the club sign be no larger than 30" wide by 40" high. Sign must fit in space no larger that 40" wide by 48" high.
6. Member clubs are responsible to provide the City with updated signs as required.
7. A sign will be removed when a club ceases to be a JSCGSV member.
Special note: Only City employees are allowed to make any physical changes to the signboard. Member Clubs desiring to make any changes should contact the JSCGSV President for procedures to make their desired changes.